My political life started relatively early (as is increasingly common in this day and age) with my father teaching me the conservative ways. “The democrats are destroying the country” he would say. Rush Limbaugh would fill the air driving back from church on Wednesday nights growing up. Taxes would rise, and I would hear about it. We’d go to war, and I would hear about it. I would hear about every single thing that happened, and I would worry about the state of the country and world at large. I remember one time, after a particularly long and impassioned rant about politics asking my dad
“Is the country really going to end if Obama is Elected?”
and being relieved to hear that
“no, it’s not actually going to happen”.
But he was so worked up about it, and it was getting to me, especially at my middle-school age. Now this isn’t a story about how I’ve gone through some grand re-education and how I’m now an equally angry left wing zealot (my actual views are relatively benign with a libertarian lean if we’re being honest), but a story about how life gets better when we stop sweating things like politics.
Just like how I was made to understand that I can feel a little less anxiety if Obama got elected (which he eventually did to no great fanfare or destruction), we can all feel a little less anxiety by adopting a new relationship with politics.
The name Get-Moneyism is a tongue in cheek reminder that your current bank account balance is likely more important than nearly any political occurance than is currently going on. More important yet (and, admittedly, lost in the name) are the multitude of things you can be doing outside of focusing on politics. The Get-Moneyist philosophy is simply one based on the fact that there are things you can be doing that are more advantageous than worrying about politics at any given time. For most pepole, working out, making a budget, having meals regularly with your family and friends, reading books, gardening, engaging with your religion, and a bunch of other things will have a more measurable positive impact on your life than any discussion on politics can or will.
It pains me deep down when i hear stories from people I personally know, respect, and hang out with who have cut off a friend or family member for strongly holding a view they disagree with. Sometimes it’s even a view I happen to hold. Relationships can be based on many things, and I contend that not one of them should be believing a specific set of things in one’s head. Get-Moneyism is meant to serve as a gentle reminder that there are things more important than political discourse.
What trouble is it really if someone you know happens to think something different to you when it comes to one issue 31 items down on a long list of issues that some politician is going to forget their ideals about when big money comes walking with a zillion dollar donation? What’s more important is the role that person has in your life. Do they help you out when you need them? Does this person give you company when you are lonely? Can this person give you good advice when you come to them? What about you? Do you help them out? These (and many more) are the questions you should be asking when evaluating a relationship. You absolutely shouldn’t consider the 10 seconds every few years where they fill in a rectangle on a piece of paper indicating who they think should be in charge.
Humans are deeply complicated, and to judge someone based only on their political leanings is forgetting most of the story. You are deeply complicated. Why waste your efforts educating those around you on your political leanings? You should educate those around you on your interests, your values, your willingness to improve yourself and those around you. I’m not saying never to bring up politics. I’m saying to temper your emotions and thoughts around politics and keep them in perspective with the rest of your life. If you’re a politician or a big-money business person where someone’s political leanings are going to swing your quality of life a big amount, go ahead and go hog wild. But if you’re a normal person (like 99% of the people reading this,) just keep in mind that you’re really only going to do so much to change the tide of things, and even if you do, it’s not going to change your life that much.
Get-Moneyism represents the peace that can be found through real self-improvement.
What should I do instead?#
Focus on the things that matter.
The loneliness epidemic is one of the rising problems among people today. We are driving others away (with silly political arguments) while sequestering ourselves inside and missing out on the vital connection each and every one of us needs. Simply going out and talking to our friends and families will help with our situation. Beyond that, we are out of shape. Getting regular exercise and avoiding processed foods by making our own from natural ingredients may be a worthwhile endeavour. Here is a list of other things to consider doing when devoting too much effort to arguing about politics:
- Reading a book
- Watching a movie
- Doing push-ups
- Playing a musical instrument
- Working extra hours
- Learning to sew
- Gardening
- Budgeting your money
- Seeking/Improving the romantic life
There are things more important than politics, and that there are activities better than arguing about politics. Please consider doing those things the next time you get worked up when some politician says or does some thing.